Monday, December 7, 2009

Last night I had this terrible school nightmare, where i forgot i was taking a class i was enrolled in and i ended up failing it and not getting accepted into any colleges. And then today when i was making a sketchbook i had this horrible thought that i can't remember the last time i used one of those sticker prompts. so now on top of the insane school night mare i have the real one of getting half credit for who knows how many sketchbooks. great.

but in better news i found this great how to book in borders about accessing your imagination in drawings and I used one of its ideas for my sketch book. The idea is to look at something with random organic shapes (clouds etc) and then drawing what you see in the shapes. I did a sketch book off the water stains/ mold growing on my bathroom ceiling. I used gray pastel for the stain part and then clarified it using a pencil. (this counts as observational too right?)I thought it was a fun idea. I'm trying to get my brother to actually buy the book for me so i can use more of the quirky ideas, they were really fun.


  1. Ahhhhhhh! I have those dreams as well! Like... I'll go to school and not complete a homework assignment! And then I'll just freak out in general.

    ... then there are the monster/ zombie dreams I have...

    and then there are the times I flunk a test and, therefore, have a failing grade in a class... but that's not a dream...

    Sounds like an interesting book! What's it called? Did you just see a sampler or did someone else have it and you browse through it?

    And ew! Bathroom mold. Yuck!
