Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This weekend I did a massive art cram to create three 16X20" drawings for my application to RISD. Initially I thought that I would have to work hard, but I would still be able to sleep. I was wrong. On Saturday I spent half the day cleaning my room to make my brain less cluttered and then started my first drawing. It was a drawing that utilized both sides of the paper. i started at 4 pm. Fast forward 12 hours and there's me, still only working on one side of the drawing and getting more and more exhausted by the minute. Finally at 4 30 I go to bed, thinking tat i wil just wake up and draw all day Sunday. Sunday morning rolls around. Sunday afternoon rolls around. And around one o'clock I wake up and get cleaned up and eat breakfast. I finish side one. At this point Im telling myself that really i have four drawings, and i have finished one, and really the side I already finished was the hardest side. so everything else will be easy from here on out. Then there's valentines dinner which lasts a few hours. And I am back to work at 9pm. at about 3 in the morning drawing one is finally completed. I have to get the drawings and two essays in the mail by 3 the next day. i would be panicking except I am so tired I can't function. I fall asleep and wake with a start at *am the next day. Now it is a race against time. Drawing 2 is complete around noon. With three hours left to make drawing 3, write two essays and get all the requirements to a FedEx shipping center I kick it into high gear. I get drawing 3 done, needless to say it is not my best work, by 2. The last hour was a frenzy of typing, lableling everything with my adress, and the worst part: folding. Now drawing 3 is not great but I am proud of drawing 2 and 1. Drawing one was a two sided drawing where the top is a picture (drawn from a photo i took) of me standing in a pond looking at my feet while the rain hits the pond surface. There is a fish tail plunging into the water, on the underside it is a drawing of a school of fish, with a lot of depth looking up at the bottom of the feet and the surface of the water. The second drawing was a creative drawing of a junked out bike in a pile of refuse with these strange garbage creatures crawling, floating, and growing in the pile. RISD forces the applicants to take their large drawings and fold them into quarters. FOLD THEM. it was a travesty and I may never recover. After the mad rust to the shipping center I went over to a friends house and painted trim until I could stand up anymore. Great weekend eh?

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