Some Advice:
If you do AP art next year be ready to work, I can't stress this enough. You don't necessarily have to stay on top of everything all the time, but if you wait till the deadline to work then you better be able to create good work under alot of pressure. But really arty is fun, so why fall behind in the first place, if you love art enough to be in the class than you will do well and learn alot. I would also caution you to think of a really good specific concetration. Since all your work will be about this one idead make sure you have are excited about it, and that you have room to grow in your concentration. If this sounds tricksy, it is, so spend some time just thinking about your concentration and mapp out some possible pieces before you decide.
My Favorite:
My favorite piece was the Jesse reno piece. It introduced me to a different way of painting, and helped me to relax a bit about being a perfectionist. I also loved that i was able to use my fingers and really have fun with the colors before I even had a vision for the piece. It was extremely freeing to create this way. Also it won me a prize and I had never made money on art before then.
What I Learned:
I learned that I work best in my own space. I have alot of trouble being inspired or doing good work when I am around other people or in a place that I am not comfy in. I also learned about being created and how to make something out of my own head and not just copy it from a picture. I found that I am not quite able to draw directly from my head, but if i see some amorphous shape I can turn it into a creature in my head and then draw that. Its alot easier for me to be creative this way.
I absolutely adored the Jesse Reno workshop. He had such a unique way of doing art, and it was wonderful to learn from a truly succesful professional artist. His style was so much fun to emulate and I think it helped everyone to let go
and have fun with their work a bit more. For me personally he helped me with layering, and in allowing the paint to form its own picture instead of forcing it and controlling it. He allowed me to be free with my art and his own peices were inspiring.

I also loved the art field trip downtown. I enjoy looking at art, and being about to gallery hop and experinece a whole bunch of different artists was inspiring and definetley helped me to decide on my concentraion.Plus who doesn't love getting Voodoo doughnuts in the morning? Ithink it helped bond the art class and Made us more of a art family, instead of a bunch of spereate groups.
I wish that we didn't do the LO reads book, since it was a terrible book and the art that came out of it was hardly inspired. I also wish we did mroe things with the AP 3 d class. When the classes were at the same time, last year, it was really nice to bond between the two AP art groups. I loved the comraderie between the two groups, and that it created a whole art community. This year we didn;t get the same opportunity and I missed it.
In ten years i see myself raoming the african savanah and the jungles of south america, doing feild research that is funded by government grants. I will also be keeping an artsy journal and drawing all of the things I get to see.
A Thoughtful Song lyrics
Well I feel just like a child, Yeah I feel just like a child
Well I feel just like a child,Well I feel just like a child
From my womb to my tombI guess I'll always be a child
Well some people try and treat me like a man
Yeah some people try and treat me like a man
Weel I guess they just don't understand
Well some people try and treat me like a man
They think I know s*** But that's just itI'm a child
Weel I need you to tell me what to wear
Yeah I need you to help me comb my hair
Yeah I need you to come and tie my shoes
Yeah I need you to come and keep me amused
From my cave to my graveI guess I'll always be a child
Well I need you to help me reach the door
And I need you to walk me to the store
And I need you to please explain the war
And I need you to heal me when I'm sore
You can tell by my smileThat I'm a child
And I need you to sit me on your lap
And I need you to make me take my nap
Could you first pull out a book andRead me some of that
Cause I need you to make me take my nap
And I need you to recognize my friends
Cause they're there even though you don't see them
They got their own chair, plate, and a seat
You know I won't touch my foodUnless they eat
From the roof to the floorI crawl around some moreI'm a child
And I need you to help me blow my nose
And I need you to help me count my toes
And I need you to help me put on my clothes
And I need you to hide it when it shows
From be my daddy's spermTo being packed in an urn I'm a child
And when I steal you gotta Slap me til I cry
Don't you stop til the tears run dry
See I was born thinking under the sky
I didn't belong to a couple of old wise guys
From sucking on my mama's breast
To when they lay my soul to restI'm a child
Well I guess I'm always be a child
This song represents what I want to be when I grow up, a kidlet